
preventionXpress (pXs) works with corporate and government employers to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees.


preventionXpress is used in workplaces across Australia to improve the health and wellbeing of employees.

Our clients include Federal and State Government agencies, and major transport and utility companies.

Our onsite preventionXpress screening and health service began operating in 2000 and is continuously leveraging the benefits of technology enhancements. We have just launched our preventionXpress app.


  • Our evaluations show preventionXpress has improved productivity and staff morale, reduced absenteeism, workplace injuries and staff turnover, and helped improve work culture and corporate image.
  • Employees are informed of their risk factors for a range of preventable disease and provided with information to take action to reduce risk factors and maintain good health.
  • Employers are able to use de-personalised preventionXpress reports to help design their own workplace health programs and as a benchmark to measure progress on an annual basis. The report also compares results against national statistics for that workforce.


  • Our screening investigates a range of health factors including: cardiovascular disease, mental health (stress and depression), Diabetes Type 2; alcohol and tobacco related harm; sleepiness and fatigue, obstructive sleep apnoea, preventative prostate health check prompt and obesity.
  • Our onsite preventionXpress health professional records key measurements including height, weight, blood pressure and results from a prick test for diabetes.
  • On completion of the screen-based questionnaire participants receive a hard copy and mobile phone optimised report on their results with colour-coded signals with accompanying information with targeted prevention strategies, or some cases, an alert to take action and contact a local medical provider.
  • preventionXpress complies with the provisions of the Commonwealth Privacy Act. No personalised data is retained or made available to anyone other than the individual undertaking the health screen.
  • Key medical research partners include Andrology Australia, Beyond Blue and the Institute for Breathing and Sleep.