Preventative health screening made easier

Digital solutions available for both in-clinic and telehealth consultations.

What we do

Diginostic develops preventative health-related screening apps and technology solutions for use by organisations and medical professionals to deliver better health outcomes.

Perinatal mental health screenings conducted


Preventative health screenings conducted


Organisations using Diginostic products

Digital Health Screening

Diginostic is built around linking health prevention screening tools with smart devices that operate within national health ecosystems. Our goal is to help reduce chronic preventable diseases.

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Video Consult

Our screening apps are tablet (iPad) and mobile phone based to support telehealth delivery.

Our products meet Australian Government health privacy audit standards.

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Diginostic's corporate partners include Apple, Telstra and Cisco. Their technology drives our products ensuring operability and usability (patient/clinician) underpinned by built-in medical grade security and operability that meets Australian Digital Health Agency Standards. We are also an Affiliate Member of the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre to ensure the applications we build meet the highest possible standards of cybersecurity.

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