Baby Coming You Ready? Bridging the communication gap for pregnant Aboriginal women
About Baby Coming You Ready?
Baby Coming You Ready (BCYR) is a culturally safe digitised web-based rubric that bridges the communication gap between health professionals and Aboriginal women and their families, enhancing perinatal care.
BCYR was developed by the research team at the Ngangk Yira Institute for Change, Murdoch University, and co-designed by Aboriginal communities alongside both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal perinatal health care practitioners.
BCYR effectively screens for mental health and psychosocial risk through a strengths-based, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive yarning approach.
Baby Coming You Ready? co-design and research
The BCYR rubric was co-designed in collaboration with Aboriginal communities to ensure cultural relevance and sensitivity, with the pilot phase (2021 - 2023) delivering significant positive outcomes in Perth's outer metropolitan and rural clinical settings.
BCYR screening process
Patients conduct the screen with a clinician over a yarn, listening to the Aboriginal voiceovers, and selecting the images and answers on the iPad provided.
The results are instantly generated into a report, seamlessly integrating with clinical workflows. These reports support clinicians in assessing patient needs and determining next steps.
Based on the screening results, patients are provided with in-person culturally safe and appropriate recommendations and support from the clinician.
The Baby Coming You Ready? screening tool
The web-based rubric uses sensitive touch-screen images and Aboriginal voiceovers to guide users through questions.
The Aboriginal voiceovers guide users through a reflective yarn, while the touch-screen images support women to share openly.
Through an interactive, culturally safe yarn, women are empowered to reflect on their strengths, address concerns, and develop their own solutions.
BCYR includes two rubrics tailored to men and women, ensuring all parents have a tailored screening experience.
Interactive e-Learning modules for health professionals supports trauma-informed, healing-focused and culturally safe practices.
Strengths-based approach
The BCYR rubric embraces a strengths-based approach, supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents in recognising and building on their unique strengths during the perinatal period, offering culturally safe and meaningful support.
“I found out things about her that I had no idea about... and I’d seen her for other pregnancies. (Baby Coming You Ready) changed the way I cared for her.”
- Midwife
“I felt powerful in the fact I could do it by myself and I had someone there to support me. I’ve never had that before in my other pregnancies”
- Mother
Want to learn more?
Get in touch and one of our digital screening specialists will contact you shortly.